Signed copy of Wrecked - Discreet Cover


Wrecked. It’s how Jasmine Delaney found me.

The truth was, I’d been heading down a one-way street to destruction for a long time.

I raced - illegally. I drank - excessively. I slept with women - indiscriminately.

There was no escape in sight.

That is, until I met her. She made me feel whole again, nurturing my heart right along with my soul. But right when I had a reason to be a better man…I did what I always warned her about.

I wrecked it.

She should have stayed away.


Orchids. It's how Campbell Baxter crawled into my heart.

The truth was, I’d been walking down a lonely path for far too long.

I loved - passionately. I gave - freely. I cared - easily.

There was no one worth the risk.

That is, until I met him. He lit my insides on fire, engulfing me in a love like I'd never felt before. But right when everything was in our favor and I’d found what I was looking for…he did what he warned me about.

He wrecked me.

I should have believed him.

*Check Trigger Warnings